improvised theatre

October 17, 2004

A Drink with The Uncertainty Division

A great show tonight at the ADC bar. Everyone was on form, though for future reference, Analie REALLY doesn't like being heckled, so all those who did, if you see her again, buy her a drink and apologise. Anyone with a smile so amazing should be treated really well.

Other than the superb performance of the Cheese Song, and the amazingly cheap alcohol, the highlight of the evening was overhearing girls from the Leys School in the toilet: "I swear - why is it that the only funny men are gay?"

Posted by Mary Chester-Kadwell at October 17, 2004 10:56 PM

I hope that said girls from the Leys school didn't include that young Chessie - I can't think of anything more reassuringly heterosexual than the song James A and myself made up about her!

Still, I feel extremely proud that for one night we did manage to restore to the ADC bar a vague feeling of unpredictability, like the good old days. See previous notes; nobody actually caught fire, but in all other respects we didn't disappoint. There was even an evil-looking cocktail named after Camille's "Dark Angel" Edinburgh show.

Posted by: James Lark at October 18, 2004 02:57 PM

I am offended, but at least I never claimed to be funny in the first place.

Posted by: Andrew Pontzen at October 18, 2004 03:46 PM