improvised theatre

September 07, 2005


It was such a lovely idea to end Neighbours today with Paul falling off a cliff.

Unfortunately it was abysmally filmed. What we got was: Paul running into shot from a low angle, followed by him faltering then a different shot of a sheer drop. Then we got a close-up of Paul's face with the word 'whoops...' dubbed onto the soundtrack, and another shot of the sheer drop with a fast zoom in to suggest falling.

This kind of effect I produced equally well myself as a 15-year-old with a camcorder.

How is it that Neighbours does brilliant explosions and car crashes, but can't even show a man falling off a cliff?

Posted by James Lark at September 7, 2005 02:35 PM

We have very bad reception sometimes on the television in the kitchen, but that is where we girlies cluster to get our Neighours fix. Today it was particularly bad, and just at the moment in question, the television went into a noisy spasm. I rushed over and grabbed the aerial, selflessly using my own body to boost the signal, but alas it was too late. The kitchen stilled as we tried to make out any crucial details, but no. Paul lay on the ground: "Apparently dead" someone whispered. I'm afraid, James, we missed it all. But thank goodness you had the presence of mind and generosity of spirit to fill us in.

Posted by: Mary at September 7, 2005 06:33 PM

Oh, I almost wish I'd lied and said it was a stunningly dramatic moment of tension and drama, then you could have imagined that you'd missed something really good. Rather than something totally crap.

Posted by: James Lark at September 8, 2005 10:50 AM