improvised theatre

November 25, 2005

I've got that prickling sensation

I put on a couple of episodes of the 1966 Dr Who story The War Machines last night. I was thinking what a frankly ridiculous story it is when my housemate suddenly said "It's very adult compared to the recent series, isn't it?" I muttered something about it being a bit silly, and he replied "but it's really building up the tension!"

I hadn't even noticed. I'd spent most of it worrying because I couldn't remember which story was the last one to feature companions Ben and Polly (I know, I know, it's The Faceless Ones) and thinking how poorly structured the script was and how William Hartnell couldn't remember any of it anyway.

It made me wonder if being a Doctor Who fan just takes all the enjoyment out of watching it.

Posted by James Lark at November 25, 2005 12:21 PM