improvised theatre

October 01, 2004

into the breach

Last night - it's so exciting, i'm all out of breath - PHIL STOTT, ladies and gentlemen (remember him?), stepped into the breach at the last minute to fill the shoes of the still ailing (get well soon!) Glennon Anderson - and he really did 'phil' them admirably...


The show took an ancient greek theme. not my choice, though I did do a degree in classics which is always helpful - eg, it means I know that gold is the strongest of all metals (right, Phil?) and that Hephaistos used to kill people he didn't like by dropping anvils from the sky.

Posted by Andrew Ormerod at October 1, 2004 10:55 AM

And it was really fun! My friends and I had a really good time. We liked the intimacy of the venue, and the line about gold is still making me chuckle even now.

Hurrah for Phil Stott!! (And James Lark, who's he? Well he wasn't there, so he can't be that important! ;-)

Posted by: Mary and Co. at October 1, 2004 05:05 PM

Well no I wasn't there - I was busy winning a national radio award at a posh reception with deep fried asparagus.

"Not that important" indeed!

Posted by: James Lark at October 7, 2004 04:48 PM