improvised theatre

September 30, 2004

I just found...

...the official website for our favourite Irish singer.

It invites you to "click here to ENTER CAMILLE"

What with her French parentage, you'd have thought she knew all about double entendres...

Posted by James Lark at September 30, 2004 03:30 PM

What James isn't mentioning is the URL we have to go to put entries in the diary: "uncertainty division dot org slash quick query entry". A Quick Queer-y Entry? Well!

Posted by: andrew ormerod at October 2, 2004 10:30 PM

Camille's website is just strange:

'...her debut Album ’A Little Yearning’. With her French parentage she performs in English, French and German'

1)A Little Yearning. Given what we've seen of her, perhaps 'A Substantial Earning' might be more appropriate.

2)'With her French parentage she performs in English, French and German'. I've read this sentence about 20 times and it still doesn't strike me as quite right. Besides, only her father is French. I read her programme.

Posted by: Susie at October 5, 2004 02:13 PM

I was going to suggest that 'parentage' was related to 'pater', but of course it comes from 'parens' (bring forth), so if anything the nationality of her father is irrelevant.

Perhaps she was conceived in Strasbourg. That would make us all feel a lot better.

Posted by: James Aylett at October 5, 2004 06:25 PM