The Daleks are back - GREAT!
The Doctor lands in a wonderful huge mysterious museum and in one of the cases is a Cyberman head - GREAT!
Then he discovers a Dalek has been caged up - and the Dalek looks GREAT!
Christopher Eccleston gets his top off - erm...*
The Dalek goes on the rampage and exterminates load of people - GREAT!
This appears to be mainly to make up for the general lack of storyline. Ah. (Clearly a running theme in this series of Doctor Who.)
The Dalek climbs stairs - GREAT!
Whenever the Dalek elevates it looks like a CGI effect. Crap.**
The Dalek slaughters more people using a sprinkler system - GREAT!
The Dalek goes all emotional and turns out to be a nice person after all. AWFUL.
* at least this never happened with William Hartnell.
** when they climbed stairs in 1987 the Daleks wobbled a lot, but they did at least look solid and decidedly scary
Posted by James Lark at April 30, 2005 10:12 PM