August 26, 2003
Bye, Edinburgh
So that's the end of Edinburgh. And on your left, you see the end of the fliers. Apparently another level was added after I left, but that will have to wait for the photo to be developed.
See you in London!
P.S. Thank you, Mr Guardian.
Posted by Andrew Pontzen at August 26, 2003 10:03 PM
Sniff! :o(
And now the withdrawal begins...
All good things come to an end! But why not get Cable TV and we'll create the Uncertainty Division Channel for you - 24 hour a day improv! Now there's an idea...
What's this?
Experiment 2?
A simulation to test if The Uncertainty Division can channel the thoughts of the viewing audience at home via cathode ray technology? Would be interesting to see what sort of interference comes through on the cables...