September 28, 2004Without nitrogen the people perishOoh...a bit rich of Andrew P to write with such vitriol about cretins on trains after HIS behaviour on the train back from London last night. I've never seen anyone be so NAUGHTY (and waste so many napkins). My heart went out to Susie and James Aylett, who sat opposite Andrew looking like embarrassed parents. Tut. But then, we were all a bit excited after getting into the Barons Court Theatre - thrilled by being back together and improvising again, we did a narrative about the planet Jupiter being held ransom by the personifications of Good and Evil and their dog Bruce (of the breed Alfie), who traded with the Queen of England to take control of the world, then stole all the earth's nitrogen - it was down to a heart expert to persuade the human race that the heart (the biggest muscle in the body except for the bottom) needed no nitrogen, so they were all in fact still alive. Because we had time, James Aylett and myself then did a musical item involving Jimi Hendrix and an oboe. Such behaviour, odd though it is, is acceptable in a theatre. It is NOT acceptable on a train - Mr Pontzen take note. Posted by James Lark at September 28, 2004 11:05 AMComments
I wasn't that embarrased on the train. I thought it was ok because I'd never have to see the people giving us all worried and hostile looks again. I was WRONG. the person sitting opposite us turns out to be living not only in my college, but in my building. THAT was embarrassing. Posted by: Susie at September 28, 2004 11:18 AMSlander. Posted by: Andrew Pontzen at September 28, 2004 02:41 PM |