improvised theatre

November 16, 2005

fan mail

first night of the show tonight. hugely exciting, with some excellent dancing from James Lakr.

Summary = Russia suffers squirrel induced biscuit famine, Dame & ballet boy find solution: Dancing. (Priests implicated)

just got home from the afterparty.

"i've only had a small glass of beer"* (Withnail & I)

*not true for anyone involved, alas, alas.

"i feel like a baboon shat in my head"** (ditto)

**likely to be cruelly true for all of us in the morning

We've decieded, here at UD Towers, that we don't get enough please-sign-this-picture/you-are-the-best/here-are-my-pants fan mail. In partcular, we mant to be picked up after the show by adoring groupies. Is that too much to ask?

Posted by Andrew Ormerod at November 16, 2005 03:33 AM

Ah, thank goodness you've finally realised my contribution to the work of the Uncertainty Division! I've been following your shows since you were formed in the late 19th century, and I was there last night as well - I especially liked the one who dressed up as a saint and the dancing. I thought the kissing was unnecessary, but on the whole I was impressed.

So yes, please do send me boys.

Lots of love,

James Lakr

Posted by: James Lakr at November 16, 2005 12:43 PM

I've heard about the Uncertainty Division for so long, and I've finally scraped together enough Ugandan shillings to get a flight over (and it was no mean feat, I tell you, as I live in Chile). I had to sell both my children to a Victorian child-catcher, and both my kidneys and my unborn baby to a rich couple from the US.

So I'm really looking forward to the show, and I hope very much that everyone will be on top form, that no-one will be tired, hung-over or have a nasty infection that makes them sound like an airline pilot when they sing. I'm so excited!

Posted by: Maria de Luz at November 16, 2005 05:40 PM

well - i'm speechless.

i had no idea a simple diary entry would provoke such responses.

Posted by: Andrew Ormerod at November 16, 2005 11:26 PM