improvised theatre

November 17, 2005

Day 3 of the Peterhouse tour

Hello, look isn't this cool. I haven't ever written in this before because I got so confused about the whole thing the first time I tried that I had a minor mental collapse and have been reluctant to try technology again ever since, but here we are! I have to say that I have, in the last two days greatly enjoyed being a villanous squirrel, a villanous animal carpet designer and a most unfortunate scottish zoo inspector from the wwwfff. I wonder what tonight will bring... snow maybe.. it's that cold!

I have to say, ever since joining the uncertainty division I have learnt a number of things: Firstly that the pages of the financial times are dyed pink, secondly that James Lark likes to put up as many unflattering pictures as he can of me on this diary page, thirdly that James Lark is rehearsing 3 shows at the moment and fourthly that "Tack" means thak you in dutch (tag tack Mary).

Well, before I over exert myself technologically I shall "log off",

tchuss x

Posted by Amelia De-Felice at November 17, 2005 12:33 PM